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Saturday 3 September 2011

the survivor tree

There is something almost primeval, like the movements beneath the earth's crust just before an earthquake, as we contemplate the anniversaries of  two life shattering events on 9/10 and 9/11 coming together one after the other  in a week's time

9/11 and the collapse of the twin towers at the World Trade Centre in NY. Who cannot remember where they were on that day.  9/10, and the deaths of FLN and El Pasto on the M6. No international repercussions, but life never the same again for those who loved them greatly and miss them sorely. Just as for the families and friends of all of those who died in the Twin Towers and the planes which flew into them.

The redevelopment of Ground Zero is now well underway. Freedom Tower as it is called now tops 80 floors and will eventually be 104 floors high. And there at the heart of the new development is a pear tree. This is the survivor tree. So-called because it survived the mayhem and madness of 9/11. The NY Parks Department took it off site and carefully looked after what seemed to be just a charred stump half dead and merely 8 feet tall. Replanted at the beginning of this year it is now over 35 feet tall. President Obama laid a wreath there in May.

There is a parallel here. For those of us blackened and beaten by our 9/10. Who have known the care of faithful friends. Those who will stay in there for the long haul.   Because we do not know how long it takes to blossom again in a landscape for ever changed. What we do know is that by God's grace and mercy we will grow, slowly may be, but we will grow.